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Pero, ¿por qué estudiar inglés?

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10 Reasons You Need To Learn English (And Save The World)

10. If you ever meet Justin Bieber, you will have to speak to him in English. Imagine meeting Justin Bieber and not being able to talk to him!

9. When you travel across the world on your gap year, you will meet people from everywhere. If you can’t speak English, you won’t be able to make friends or go to parties and it will be hard to talk to boys/girls!

8. When you become the Prime Minister or President of your country, you will have to meet with other politicians from across the world. The common language is English and you will need to be very good to make them respect you!

7. English is the world’s most commonly spoken language. When you decide to save the planet and human race from extinction, you will need to be able to speak good English!

6. You can write English poems which will inspire people and make them fall in love.

5. Nobody knows this, but although kittens can’t speak, they actually think in English. They understand when you talk to them in English, even though they don’t respond.

4. When you become a famous musician or actor you will have to travel the world to promote your album or your latest film. The common language for rock stars and famous actors is English so you need to speak it well!

3. If you speak English, you can watch films in their original versions! You can finally discover what Brad Pitt actually sounds like!

2. English is the language of science and technology! Learn English, cure cancer, save the world!

1. YOU tell me the number 1 reason to learn English!

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